
The Imperfect Moms’ Club

Hosted ByMessyStressyMama

Two moms coming together to talk about the good, the bad, the ugly, and the really ugly. Join hosts Lisa and Brittany as they discuss both the joys and challenges of being a parent and raising young children. Presented in an entertaining, non-judgmental style, join us on life's greatest adventure!

Two moms coming together to talk about the good, the bad, the ugly, and the really ugly. Join hosts Lisa and Brittany as they discuss both the joys and challenges of being a parent and raising young children. Presented in an entertaining, non-judgmental style, join us on life’s greatest adventure!

Let us know your thoughts – Call the P.E.N. Listener Hotline at (833) PODSNET or (833) 763-7638.

Reach the show via email at Imperfect@podcastentertainment.com

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All Episodes

E026 – Setting Your Child Up for Success in the New School Year

Brittany shares advice – as both a parent and a teacher – on setting your child up for success in the coming school year. Great, timely advice to make the most of this exciting time of the year!

E025 – Getting kids to enjoy helping mom with tasks

This week Lisa interviews Krisler Bailey, reacting to a study of how best to encourage kids with household tasks. While Lisa’s oldest is 2 and Krisler’s is 9, both ages can eagerly participate with mom’s activities in an engaging way that helps form good

E024 – Mom’s work equals 2.5 full-time jobs!

Lisa and Brittany react to an article measuring moms work the equivalent of 2.5 full-time jobs, starting before 6:30 am on average and ending after 8:00 pm.

The ladies then discuss the importance and benefits of carving out some “me time” helping both

E023 – Top Children’s TV Shows

Lisa and Brittany react to a list of the top televisions shows for children, while asking some imponderable questions about when and where cartoons wear pants!

E022 – Homeschooling, Gardening, Momming, Oh My!

E022 – Homeschooling, Gardening, Momming, Oh My! – If you’ve ever looked at a mom who seems to do it all, and wanted to pick her brain, today’s episode is for you!

Melissa, or @onemainemama on Instagram, shares her perspective on motherhood while raisi

E021 – Time Out: Dealing with Tantrums

E021 – Time Out: Dealing with Tantrums – Kids are going to throw tantrums. It’s, unfortunately, one of the growing pains of childhood. Big emotions lead to big emotional responses.

Today, Lisa and Brittany talk about how kids and moms sometimes lose i

E020 – The Imperfect Dads’ Club

E020 – The Imperfect Dads’ Club – Today we invite our first male guest onto the show! Dad with the A joins us to talk about single parenthood, bonding with his son, their platform on Tik Tok, and some of his proudest moments as a dad.


E019 – Friendships After Kids

019 – Friendships After Kids – Do you believe in friends after kids?

Having kids and growing a family can throw a monkey wrench into a friendship, especially if the other party doesn’t have kids of their own. Can you still hang out? Or even relate to e

E018 – What, How, Why

E018 – What, How, Why – “Just Google it” might be a relatively new phrase in the English language but, moms have been searching for answers since the beginning of time.

This week, Lisa and Brittany dive into some of the top Google searches about moms a